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Why you need a signature drink at your wedding

Suzy Dale

No caterer knows Fairfield county better than Suzy Dale. Suzy was raised in New Canaan, Connecticut...

No caterer knows Fairfield county better than Suzy Dale. Suzy was raised in New Canaan, Connecticut...

Jul 23 2 minutes read

You say your “I dos” and then walk down the aisle...with 150 guests following shortly behind.

A signature drink is the perfect way to get the crowd ready for the night. The drink serves practical and style purposes. 

Practically, a signature drink helps address a few potential issues. The signature drink can be pre-filled and put onto trays for guests to have as they leave the ceremony or enter the reception.  This will quench the thirst of guests who have just sat through a ceremony and/or traveled to get there. Signature drinks are also extremely easy to serve - no custom orders means no long-lines at a bar. Long lines = mood killers. Have the signature drink ready-to-go and it will get the night started the right way!

Signature drinks are also one of those added “nice touches” that will make your night one to remember. When was the last time you heard someone reminisce about their gin and tonic or Stella beer order? It doesn’t happen. On the other hand,  a signature drink is memorable. It gives something for people to talk about. 

You also want the drink to be something unique to you or the wedding. A few ideas might be the following:

  • The first drink you and your spouse shared

  • A favorite drink you had during a special vacation

  • A drink unique to the wedding location / local geography

We recommend strongly putting a twist on the drink name (or even the drink itself) to go with your wedding theme. For example, if you were to have your wedding on Fairfield beach, an orange & red colored drink named “Long Island Sound Sunsets” would be a nice touch.

Hire us to help with your signature drink and catering needs!